The player gets three tries to make a basket. One basket wins
third prize, two baskets wins second prize, and making all three
baskets wins first prize. This game is not recommended for fund
raisers. Two players at a time.
7-11 Intermediate
Each player receives two wiffle balls which are tossed into a
rectangular container with holes numbered 1 though 6. The combined
total of both balls must equal 7 or 11 to win. Eleven is harder
to achieve than 7. First prize is awarded to the player that
gets 11, the player that gets 7 wins second prize. One to
two players at a time. |
The player wins a prize on every play, but the larger
prizes are more difficult to win. It is a simple game, and fun
to play. The player is given one roll of the car per ticket.
The player pushes the car, starting at one end of the track,
with enough force so that the car bounces off the heavy rubber
band at the other end of the track. Prizes are awarded according
to where the car stops. A pointer on the car indicates which
prize is won. Not recommended for fund raisers. One player
at a time. |
This is an all time favorite with the smaller children.
Fifteen plastic ducks float in a tank of water. On the bottom
of each duck is a number from 1 to 12. The player receives a
net and nets one duck per play. The player wins a prize depending
on the number on the bottom of the duck. Not recommended for
fund raising events. One player at a time. |
ANIMAL TOSS Intermediate
This is an old time carnival favorite with all ages. Several
wooden blocks are placed on the ground approximately eight feet
back from the front of the booth. A toy stuffed animal is fastened
to the peg on the block. The player throws three hoops in an
effort to ring one of the animals. The hoop must lay flat on
the ground in order for the player to win the prize. Prizes are
not included in the booth. One player at a time. |
This is a game of skill and coordination. A pop bottle is placed
on its side in the middle of a small board. A "fishing pole"
is furnished for the player to use. The player rings the neck
of the bottle, and holds the pole in one hand and tries to stand
the bottle upright. Player keeps trying until the bottle either
stands up or rolls off the board. Player wins a prize if he stands
the bottle up. If the bottle falls off the platform their turn
is over. 3-4 players at a time. |
Another old time carnival favorite, the player is required to
toss two softballs into a large, metal milk can to win. Not recommended
for fund raisers. Two players at a time. |
BEAN BAG GAME Intermediate
A tire is placed inside a
red three-sided container with a flat metal plate facing up.
The player tosses three bean bags at a pyramid of milk bottles
placed on top of the tire. The player must completely knock the
milk bottles off the platform, not just knock them over, in order
to win first prize. One player at a time. |
The player receives a colored disk which they drop down a peg
filled board. Wherever the peg lands, is where the prize is taken
from. The player wins each time. One player at a time. |
THROW Intermediate
Also known as the Milk Bottle Toss. Bottles are placed
on a stand about nine feet behind the front of the booth. Players
throw three balls in an effort to knock the bottles off the platform
for first prize. If the bottles are knocked over, but not off
the platform, they win second prize. One player at a time. |
SPIN-IT Win-win
This is our version of a wheel of fortune game. We have two different
wheels, one has numbers 1-15, the other one has numbers 1-30.
The player spins the wheel and whatever number it lands on is
the bag that the prize is taken from. The other option is to
choose several numbers that win and if the player lands on that
number they win, otherwise, they lose. Several can play
at a time. |
BEAN BAG GAME Intermediate
The player receives three bean bags which are thrown at a colored
board with holes in it. We have four different styles of bean
bag games. You can choose from a lion tamer with lion, a brightly
colored Clown, Sam the Eagle or a painted keg. Make sure you
specify your choice when ordering. One to two players at
a time. |
The is a game of skill and accuracy which is a favorite of young
and old alike. The player is given three balls to throw at stuffed
"cats." Prizes are awarded according to the number
of cats knocked over. One player at a time. |
The player pitches mock rolls of toilet paper into toilet seats.
Three out of three wins a prize. Two players at a time . |
This game is a mini version of the popular carnival game, the
Milk Can toss. The player gets two tries to throw small balls
into mini milk cans. Two players at a time. |
An old standby of the professional carnivals, the bottle ring
game is a steady producer. Several cases of empty bottles are
placed in the booth. The player is given three rings to toss
over the bottles. One ring over a bottle wins a prize. One
player at a time. |
Designed for younger children, it consists of 6 cans in the shape
of a triangle. The player receives three bean bags. Three bean
bags in a can wins a prize. One player at a time. |
BOWLING Intermediate
The player receives a puck and then has three tries to knock
over the pins. A total of 3 knocked over wins third prize, 4
knocked over gets second prize, and all 5 knocked over wins first
prize. Two players at a time. |
GUN Hard
The player is given three corks and a gun, and tries to shoot
ping pong balls off of coke bottles. Prizes are awarded according
to how many ping pong balls they can knock off. One player
at a time. |
Blown-up balloons are set on hooks on a dart board ten feet away
from the booth front. Three darts are given to the player. Three
balloons broken wins first prize, two balloons wins second prize,
one broken wins either a consolation prize or a third place prize.
We supply the balloons and darts. One player at a time. |
BARREL TOSS Intermediate
The Diamond Barrel Toss is a barrel with a diamond cutout in
the center. The player tosses three bean bags in the diamond
center, and the prize is determined by the number of bean bags
the player is able to get into the center. Two players at
a time. |
In order to win a prize the player has to roll a bowling ball
down an alley. The player has to avoid getting the ball stuck
in the dipped center. If they get the ball to the end of the
alley they win a prize. Two players at a time. |
FISH BOWL Intermediate
The object of the game is to get a ping pong ball into
a glass goldfish bowl filled with water. A ping pong ball into
the bowl wins a prize. The client provides any fish, if desired,
we provide the bowls and ping pong balls. One player at
a time. |
FOOTBALL TOSS Intermediate
A game that looks easy, but challenges the players skill. The
object of this game is to toss two footballs from about 10 feet
away. You have a choice between two tires hanging in the booth
or two free standing boards in the shape of a football player
with a hole in it. Not recommended for fund raisers. Two
players at a time. |
The player gets three chances to throw a Frisbee into
a barrel. Three out of three wins first prize. Two out of three
wins second, and one out of three tries gets a consolation prize. One
player at a time. |
The player gets two tries to launch a rubber frog into
a bucket in the middle of the booth. Prizes are awarded according
to how many frogs they get into the bucket. Two out of two wins
first prize, one out of two wins either a consolation prize or
a second place prize, your choice. Two players at a time. |
HULA HOOP TOSS Intermediate
The player receives three hula hoops that they try to throw over
big blue blocks. The hula hoop must completely encircle the block
and lay flat on the ground. If you are having prizes for this
booth you can attach a stuffed animal prize to the block and
if the player circles that block they win whichever prize is
there. One player at a time. |
WIRE Intermediate
The player tries to move a wand over a squiggly wire without
touching the wire. A light goes off if the wire is touched. This
game requires electricity. One player at a time. |
TIC TAC TOE Intermediate
This game is an old standby, popular with young and old alike.
Each player is given three balls and must toss them into the
Tic Tac Toe box in such a way that a row of three balls is achieved.
A row of three balls in the red marked squares wins first prize.
A row of three balls in any other direction in the box is a second
prize winner. Two players at a time. |
This game is a different version of our tic-tac-toe game. The
box is stood upright and 5" balloons are placed in each
square. The player is given three darts, and must pop the balloons
in a row of three in order to win the game. A row of three balloons
popped in the black marked diagonal wins first prize. A row of
three in any other direction in the box is a second prize winner. Two
players at a time. |
The game consists of a small pond of water. Floating in the water
are a number of rings, some of which have colored markings on
them. The object of the game is to toss ping pong balls into
the rings. The prize is determined by the color of the ring into
which the ball falls. A ball in the blue ring wins first prize,
red wins second and white wins third prize. One player at
a time.
PUTT-PUTT GOLF Intermediate
No golfing enthusiast can pass this one up. The player is required
to putt a hole in one from about ten feet away along a carpeted
path and up an inclined plate into a cup. Two players at
a time. |
CONE RING Intermediate
The player has to ring safety cones with a Frisbee in order to
win a prize. Three out of three tries wins a prize. Prizes can
also be given to players who make two out of three or one out
of three. Two people can play at a time. |
This is an old time carnival favorite which frequently appears
in several variations. 10-15 colored blocks are arranged in the
booth. The player throws three hoops in an effort to completely
ring one block. The ring must be laying flat on the ground in
order to be considered a win. One player at a time. |